Welcome to Sky Unblocked!

Please read these Terms & Conditions carefully before using the https://skyunblocked.com/ Website owned and operated by Sky Unblocked. We will presume that you agree to these terms and conditions by continuing to use this Website. If you do not accept all of the terms and conditions specified on this page, please cease using Sky Unblocked immediately. Terms & Conditions, Privacy Statement, Disclaimer Notice, and all Agreements use the following terminology: You agree to the terms and conditions of use set out by the Company when you use this Website. In this context,

We means our corporation. The term “us” includes both the Client and our Company. Agreement between the Client and the Company about the provision of the Company’s stated services is governed by and construed by the laws of Australia. All terms refer to the offer, acceptance, and consideration of payment necessary to undertake the execution of our assistance to the Client in the most appropriate manner for the sole reason of meeting the recipient’s needs regarding the supply of the Company’s stated services. The terms mentioned above may be used interchangeably in the singular, plural, and capitalization since they all relate to the same thing.


Cookies are used on this site. By using Sky Unblocked, you consent to us using cookies through our Privacy Policy. Cookies are used by the vast majority of dynamic websites so that we can remember our visitors and their preferences. Our Website utilizes cookies to make some features available and to retain user preferences. Cookies may also be used by some of our affiliate and advertising partners.


Unless otherwise specified, all content found on Sky Unblocked belongs to Sky Unblocked and its licensors. All rights to originality and original works are protected. Subject to the terms and limitations set out above, you may use this from Sky Unblocked for your personal use.

You must not:

  • Use Sky Unblocked content in your publication. 
  • You may resell, rent, or sublicense Sky Unblocked content. 
  • Sky Unblocked content duplication or reproduction is prohibited.
  • Share material created by Sky Unblocked.

This Website allows users to publish and share information and thoughts in various forums and communities. Before their appearance on the site, Comments are not screened by Sky Unblocked in any way. The opinions expressed in the comments do not represent those of Sky Unblocked, its employees, or its partners. The views expressed in the comments are those of the commenter who posted them.

Sky Unblocked disclaims any responsibility for, and any liability, damages, or costs caused and incurred as a consequence of, the use of, publication of, or display of the Comments on this Website to the fullest extent allowed by applicable law. Sky Unblocked may, but is not obligated to, review all Comments and delete those it deems violating these Terms and Conditions or otherwise objectionable. You promise and confirm:

  • You own or otherwise, control all required permissions and consents to publish the Comments on our Website; 
  • The Discussions do not infringe upon the copyright, patent, or trademark rights of any third party; 
  • No illegal, threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, or invasive material of any kind has been included in the Comments.
  • We promise not to use any information in the comments section for illegal or commercial purposes.

Submitting a comment here gives Sky Unblocked a non-exclusive right to use, reproduce, edit, and permit others to use, reproduce, edit, and publish that comment in any form, format, or medium.

Hyperlinking to our Content

The following groups may provide links to our site without obtaining permission in advance:

  • Government agencies
  • Search engines
  • News organizations
  • Distributors of online directories are welcome to include links to our site in the same way they provide links to the areas of other companies included in the directory. 
  • All Accredited Businesses across the board, except charity fundraising clubs, charity shopping malls, and charitable organizations, are welcome to connect to our Website.

The linking party’s site must be consistent with our website’s content, and the link to our homepage, publications, or other Website information must not be misleading or falsely imply sponsorship, endorsement, or approval of the linking party and its products or services. Other connection requests from the following organizations may be considered and approved by us.

  • Online directories, internet portals, accountancy, legal, and consulting businesses, educational institutions, trade organizations, and well-known consumer and commercial information sources like dot-com community sites or charity-representing organizations.

If we conclude that these groups meet the following criteria, we will grant their connection requests:

  1. We would not disgrace ourselves or our approved companies by providing this link. We have no complaints on file for this Company. The convenience we enjoy due to the link’s exposure more than makes up for the loss of Sky Unblocked. The link is included in a larger body of reference data.

The following groups may connect to our main page if they meet the following requirements:

  1. Does not include any false information. 
  2. It does not in any way suggest that the connecting party or its goods or services are sponsored, endorsed, or approved by the linking party. 
  3. Relates to the content of the site that provided the connection.

Email Sky Unblocked if you belong to one of the groups mentioned in paragraph 2 above and would want to connect to our Website. Please specify the specific pages within our site you would like to link to and the URLs on our site to which you would like to connect. If you want us to consider including your URL, we would like to hear from you. Expect a reply in a few weeks. The following are some examples of acceptable links to our Website:

  • By referring to our Company by its name. 
  • I am using the universal resource location of the referenced resource. 
  • Any explanation of our Website’s link placement appropriate to the context and format of the linking party’s site content is acceptable.

Unless you have secured a trademark license from Sky Unblocked to use their logo or any artwork in a link, you are not permitted to use them in any way.


You may only use frames around our Web sites with our express, written authorization.

Content Liability

We aren’t usually the ones that handle anything posted on your site. If any third party makes a claim against us relating to your Website, you will protect and defend us. Nothing should be posted on a website that may be considered defamatory, offensive, illegal, or a violation of another person’s rights (or that encourages others to do so).

Reservation of Rights

We reserve the right to request that you remove all links or any particular link to our Website. If we ask you to remove a link to our site, you agree to do so promptly. These terms and conditions and their linking policy are subject to change without prior notice. When you maintain a connection to our site, you accept our terms and conditions and agree to abide by them.

Removal of links from our Website

Feel free to email us whenever you uncover an objectionable link on our site for any reason. Requests to have links removed will be reviewed, but we are under no obligation to do so or to provide a personal response. We make no guarantees about the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the content provided on this Website. We do not commit to updating the content or even to keeping the Website up.


We disclaim all express or implied representations, warranties, and conditions concerning our Website and your use of our Website to the fullest extent allowed by law. These disclaimers do not in any way:

  • Restrict or exclude responsibility for death or bodily harm on our part or yours. 
  • Restrict or eliminate our or your responsibility for dishonesty or misrepresentation. 
  • Minimize our or your burdens when doing so would violate any law or regulation. In no way limit or exclude any of our or your obligations that cannot be limited or excluded by law.

This Section and the rest of this disclaimer lay out the restrictions and prohibitions on liability that apply to you. are bound by the provisions of the Section above. And control any responsibilities arising under the disclaimer, whether in contract, tort or for violating statutory duty. We disclaim all responsibility for, and all warranties about, any loss or damage incurred as a result of your use of, or inability to use, the Website or the information or services offered on the Website.